Virtual event... NAC-ISSA May lunch with Arista Awake

Virtual event... NAC-ISSA May lunch with Arista Awake

This registration is to attend the event virtually.

Awake Security is the only advanced network detection and response solution that delivers answers, not alerts.

In demo of Awake’s AI-driven platform we will showcase the capabilities with a demonstration of the key use cases and workflows designed to help customers speed up detection, response and remediation.

Join this session to learn:

How Awake delivers correlated, autonomous threat detection and visibility with the greatest accuracy and lowest false positive rates.

How Awake’s Ava, the world’s first AI-powered security analyst, performs autonomous threat hunting for complex threats.

How Awake optimizes the detection to response workflow while providing you with the ability to customize detection and hunting through Awake’s unique Adversarial Modeling Language.

Location: Virtual

Address: Virtual

Start Time: 11:30AM

End Time: 12:30PM

Registration Closes On: 5/21/2021


  • $0.00

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  • The Virtual event... NAC-ISSA May lunch with Arista Awake is on 5/20/2021 and starts at 11:30AM

  • It is located at Virtual

  • The Address is Virtual.

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